Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going Green without Spending Green

We have this mistaken idea that to go green, we have to spend green dollars. Well, actually, you do not need to strain your budget just to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle. In fact, you will be fattening up your wallets with these tips on going green without spending your green dollars. And trust us, these ways are easy, effective and convenient.

Reduce Food Waste

Your grocery bill may constitute more than 50 percent of your total household bills. Thus, any and all efforts to reduce food waste will add up to big benefits to your pockets and to the environment for many reasons. You can achieve this end by:

* Reducing your food consumption in terms of shopping for groceries.
* Using leftovers for new dishes and enforcing a no-dregs policy
* Planning meals in advance to avoid too many leftovers

Use Heaters Wisely

We are so dependent on hot water for many of our needs from washing our bodies to washing our dishes and clothes. Well, go green by choosing cold water for many activities in the house. Start by taking cold showers when the weather permits instead of hot tub baths. Then progress into using unheated tap water for washing your hands, dishes and clothes. Studies have shown that tap water is just as effective in killing germs as hot water. The trick is in washing your hands properly for 20 seconds, soaking the clothes for 30 minutes to remove stubborn dirt and washing off the dregs on the eating utensils before placing on a full dishwasher.

Unplug the Appliances

You can save as much as 10-15 percent of your electricity bill simply by unplugging the cords from their sockets when these are not in use. This is because so-called phantom electricity does not flow from the grid into your appliances. And speaking of appliances, you can save money by either buying ones with the Energy Star logo or ones that have been refurbished. Of course, make sure that the refurbished appliances are also energy-efficient. You ought to save money in the long run instead of sticking to your run-down appliances. However, do recycle said old appliances with the manufacturers or with the recycling centers.

Use Recycled Materials for Your Home

As much as possible, use recycled materials for your home. You can purchase scrap lumber from hardware stores, vintage wood and glass panels from garage sales and old houses, utensils and ornaments made of recycled materials from green stores and sites, to name a few options. You will often spend less on these items and yet get as much mileage as you possibly can from them. Better yet, you should adopt the motto of environmentalists everywhere - reduce, reuse and recycle. You will soon find that indeed being eco-friendly has its rewards for you and for your children's children.

Starting today, take a look around your home and see what else needs to be done to be as environmentally-friendly as possible.

Read about ways to start going green in the kitchen and more about the different ways to recycle.

Data Center Colocation

Complete control over your web hosting provision!

Each data center has full power backup in case of an outage. Generators, in combination with UPS systems, guarantee maximum availability. Industry-leading Service Level Agreements (SLA) define the level of guaranteed availability, ranging from 99.9% to 99.999%. The configuration of the electrical connection for a client’s equipment depends on his specific requirements.

Data centre collocation industry offers comprehensive approach to information technology, enables businesses to focus on increasing revenue and profit, not managing technology. One can benefit from this experience and gain direct access to the most reliable, widely deployed networks in the world.

A client’s server will be in good hands with collocation services. Take benefit of such services from our years of experience and quality non stop support. Gain direct access to the most reliable, widely deployed networks in the world. Such data centre eliminates the need for expensive equipment such as generators and UPS's as these are all included in the standard service charge. For the highest availability colocation services you can compare online and choose the right place. Data centre team of professionals offers you fully managed support services including OS installation and configuration to something as simple as a server reboot. With a round the clock on site staff of highly trained engineers and support staff, client’s servers will be backed by the best in server collocation professional services.

Colocation services are available via some web hosts through the use of their private cages, or you can pay a data centre directly to have your server located in a cage which is run by the data centre itself. Other equipment such as networking equipment and storage equipment can also be colocated within server racks. Colocation hosting has many advantages above ordinary dedicated server hosting, such as the fact that most data centres provide a ‘remote hands’ service if your server needs a task doing such as an OS reinstall which can only be done from the console; also, the connectivity that your equipment receives will probably be better than that you would receive on a dedicated server, the reason being that your equipment is surrounded by your own equipment meaning that you don’t have any other customers around you that could be a burden on your connection speed.

Data Colocation network is wired in a redundant, meshed configuration for maximum uptime. In the event of a failure in any one device the redundant hot-spare takes over automatically within seconds. Not that our equipment is liable to failure in the first place, with redundant PSU's, processing engines and blades.
In practice, this means your own server is installed in a rack in one of the data collocation centre, taking advantage of our bandwidth and network resilience to connect to the Internet.

Data Center Migration

Data center migration services

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Small Business Stimulus Package

The current economic crisis has invited comparisons with the Great Depression of 1929. No wonder, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been one of the most awaited legislations to have been signed in the recent past. Signed on February 18, 2009 by President Barack Obama, the bill is expected to provide the much needed relief to the US economy. While the bill addresses the needs of a wide range of people and sectors, it contains special provisions that recognize the unique needs of small businesses.

Some of the specific ways in which the Economic Stimulus Package works are:

$730 Million Funding To the Small Business Administration (SBA)

The stimulus package has made available additional funding to the tune of $730 million which is expected to go towards increasing loan availability and financing for small businesses as also incentives for third party lenders. It has also made provisions for affordable medical insurance for laid off employees and helps with the payroll management. The plan envisages the expansion of the SBA programs nationwide to increase the total capital flow.

Tax Relief

The plan allows small businesses to get tax relief by being able to write off a long list of expenses worth up to $250,000 in 2009 and 2010. This is higher from the earlier limit of $128,000 or the total income of the business whichever was lower. It is however important to note that the list of allowable expenses does not include land or structural improvements. Vehicles, computers and other office equipment are however included.

Apart from the above, certain other miscellaneous expenses like those linked to promotion will also qualify for tax cuts. Shareholders of small

Omnistar Etools is the leader in browser-based PHP web software solutions that allow businesses and webmasters to provide a variety of web based PHP software. We have a comprehensive set of email marketing software solutions.

Get your Economic Stimulus Package Bill news at

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

5 tips to choose the online nursing school right for you

No one can tell you which online nursing school is right for you. As a rule, you must be the one who chooses which path to take and how you want to get there. The differences between the online nursing schools are varied and one needs to be aware that they all have their pros and cons. However, if you make a wise and informed choice then you are half way to your goal. If a nursing school fits with your schedule, needs and personality than there is nothing stopping you from succeeding.

Bear in mind that no matter which online school you choose you will still need to take part in clinicals which require ‘in person’ teaching to complete your degree. So before you have earned the degree you will need to transfer to a land campus school.

1. First and foremost check out the fees that the online nursing charges for their courses. This is probably the most important part of choosing an online nursing school. It is the common practice of all reputable online nursing schools to be up-front with their fees. They realize it is important to new students to know how much they will be paying for the course. This will help to build trust in the school as they put fourth the effort to respect their students by offering their fees in an honest manner.

2. You will need to check out the course requirements before signing up for anything. Each school has different requirements that must be met before entering their program. These may include a high school diploma, previous nursing courses, or specific course studies from other schools. All of these requirements are easily located in the prerequisite area of the course description.

3. Time available is very important when choosing an online nursing program. You will need to check and make sure that you have the minimum amount of time that is required by the school to dedicate to class and course type studies. Most of the schools that offer online programs operate on the same premise of standard schools and require that students complete a minimum number of hours in class room study to be eligible to graduate. All of the time that is required will be listed in the course description during the review process.

4. Degrees offered is another area where one should put fourth some effort in research. If the online program does not offer the degree that you need to get the job you want then it is useless to you as a school. Through most of the online nursing schools you can choose the type of degree that you wish to obtain and enter the course of study as set down by those guidelines.

5. Finally you should determine if the school you are looking at fits the individual needs that you have. If a school does not fit the most basic needs than it will not be of much worth to you as a student. If you have special needs or require an aggressive course study you should check with the online schools advisor to ensure that they can accommodate such a need or desire.

Online LPN Programs

Online LPN Nursing Programs

Monday, January 11, 2010

What You Need to Know About Apple iTunes

During the last few years, the Apple has blazed a new trail for the digital music industry with the invention of the iPod which is now owned by more than 80 percent of digital music fans throughout the world. With the iPod also came the iTunes Store which has taken the lead in the digital music industry as having the largest downloadable music collection online with over eight million titles readily available for download.

During the last few years, the Apple has blazed a new trail for the digital music industry with the invention of the iPod which is now owned by more than 80 percent of digital music fans throughout the world. With the iPod also came the iTunes Store which has taken the lead in the digital music industry as having the largest downloadable music collection online with over eight million titles readily available for download.

In addition to having the largest downloadable music collection online, the iTunes Store keeps you updated on the latest titles which have been added every time you log onto the website. You can find virtually any type of music in every kind of genre known to mankind, all available for download on a device you can carry in your pocket. You can download single tracks for as little as 99 cents as well as a complete album for as little as ten dollars.

To search the massive collection of music on iTunes, you have to download the iTunes software to your computer. The software is both Mac and Windows compatible, however if you already own an iPod, the software application comes pre-installed on this device.

The iTunes website is very user friendly when it comes to searching for music. The site has several options that allow you to browse using the conventional keyword box or you can advance your search by title or artist. There is also another convenient option that allows you search by genre.

A unique feature on the iTunes site is the capability of searching through iTunes Plus, which will find songs that are already converted to iTunes Plus format or for your MP3 player. This is another outstanding feature of the iTunes site with over three million titles available in this format.

The iTunes Plus section of the site also features DRM-Free music which is rapidly becoming prevalent in the digital music industry for digital rights management protection. The encryption is encoded in the selection and includes Apples DRM FairPlay.

Featured on the iTunes website is an application that keeps track of what you have been listening to which in turn can be transferred and displayed on your personal website or social networking page.

iTunes not only offers music, it also offers books, movies, games, and podcast, all of which are downloadable to your iPod in audio format. If this is not enough, you can also access biographies of your favorite artists as well as information on concert tickets to their latest event.

Tech support on the iTunes websites is unparalleled when it comes to service and user friendly attributes. The tech support team is really on the ball and the tutorials stick to the facts and are easy to understand.

To get 2 free iPods, visit Free MP3 Player. Jonathan Hartman is an avid iPod user who is always looking for great deals on iPods.

Bestel iTunes Gift Card.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Article Writing - The New SEO Master Tool - Part II

Article writing is now a major weapon in search engine optimisation. If you have read Part I of this article you will see why previous linking strategies are failing miserably. As the major search engine, Google now expects links in order to increase your site ranking to be:

1 Relevant
2 Varying Anchor Text
3 One Way Links

These rules display that more of a natural linking strategy need to be evolved.

Writing expert articles about the content of your website helps to achieve the three objectives above.

First of all, you are able to place links within the resource box of your article pointing back to your website. Some article directories even allow you to place links within the article body itself. Therefore any link text that points back to your website is highly relevant to the article content itself, and your sire.

It is possible to vary the anchor text from article to article while still keeping it keyword orientated and most importantly, relevant.

By submitting your article to article submission sites, you are not committed to place a reciprocal link back to the article site on your website. This ensures that the link to your website is one way.

By writing many quality articles, you will start to be recognised as an expert in your field.

You can see how writing articles about the subject of your website can be a master SEO tool. However, things get even better.

Ezine authors and webmasters also regularly scour these sites for fresh content for their ezines and websites. Your article is free to be distributed and republished as long as it remains intact, with the resource box and all links live.

What this means is that each article can potentially create hundreds or thousands of backlinks to your website, each of them relevant, varying in anchor text and one way. Not bad for about 30 minutes work. So the advice is simple - get writing, or if you feel unable to write your own articles, get someone to write them for you!

Bourne SEO offers Web Design in Sussex and other services.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Debt Problems – How To Manage Yourself Out Of Debts

Are you having trouble paying your monthly bills? Or worried about losing your home and car because you have problems paying for your monthly installment?

Well, you are not alone. Many people face a financial crisis in some part of their lives. Whether the crisis is self created (over spending) or by accident (family illness, or loss of a job), it can be prevail over. Your financial health can only improve if you put your heart and soul into nursing it.

The first step to manage yourself get out of debts is to develop a budget plan. Take some time to think over and do a realistic assessment of how much you earn and spend each month.

List your expenses into fixed and variable and identify which are ‘needs’ spending that you cannot live without (for example food and house mortgage), and ‘wants’ spending that you can survive without spending.

Get a good idea of how much you need to spend on your fixed and ‘needs’ spending and always leave enough money for them. The goal is to make sure you can make ends meet on your basics needs: housing, food, health care, insurance, and education. And reduce your ‘wants’ expenses as far as possible.

If you have creditors, contact them immediately to tell them frankly that you are in financial difficulties. Ask them to work out a payment plan that you can manage so that you can still pay them. You’ll be surprise that most of your creditors are wiling to negotiate and work out a better repayment plan for you.

Manage your secured debts especially your auto loan. Lenders have the right to repossess your car if you default on your payment. Instead of waiting for your car to be repossessed and paying extra fees. Talk to your lender and ask if you can sell or trade in your car for a cheaper one. Alternately, ask for grace period so that you can save on the added costs of repossession and a negative entry on your credit report.

Your public library and bookshops should have more information about budgeting and money management skills. Do not hesitate to consult them for more advice if needed. Start a budgeting plan to nurse yourself back to a good financial health today!

Kristy Sinsara

Kristy Sinsara

Is there really such a thing as hypnosis?

Most people that come to see me for the first time think they are going to meet someone who is a bit weird. They wonder who this person is that does this magical and mystical thing called hypnosis.
The fact is, there are no special powers to Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is no more than deep relaxation, a very natural therapy. Due to this misconception and the fact that hypnosis can be very affective in helping people make changes in their lives, they expect something strange and magical to happen.
Unfortunately, the belief that hypnosis is magical and mystical frightens a lot of people away from hypnotherapy, which is a shame as it means they do not get the chance to see if it might help them.
It is very understandable that people may be a little concerned about hypnotherapy. The thought that they will lose consciousness, not know what is going to happen and that the hypnotist will be able to control their mind, making them do things against their will, is indeed a frightening thought.
So what is hypnosis? Hypnosis is just very deep relaxation. When hypnotised you are fully conscious at all times. You are aware of things going on around you and you cannot be made to do anything against your will.
In a normal state of mind something stops you from being able to do things you want to do, however, Hypnotherapy can help you to do the things you usually find difficult in your everyday life. This could include stopping unwanted habits or even fear of certain things.
Many people wonder what it “feels” like to by hypnotised. Well, there is no such thing as a hypnotised “feeling”. All you feel is extremely relaxed. When hypnotised you will enter a trance like state. Trance states are not magical or mystical. We all go into trance states many times in a day, either when we are reading, watching television, day dreaming, or even when we are driving.
Yes, we often go into a state of trance when driving. Anybody who has been driving for sometime will have had occasions when they can't remember driving past that roundabout or have had no recollection of taking a corner or going through a village or town. They have been in a trance state, but they must have been fully conscious, fully awake and aware to have driven safely. It is that type of trance that you enter when hypnotized. Fully conscious but very relaxed.
So, if hypnosis is not spiritual or magical how can it help so many different people with so many different problems?
A lot of the problems people have come from a feeling from within. Therefore, the feelings that will change that problem will also have to come from within.
Whilst in that relaxed state called hypnosis we can learn how to see things in a different way. We can learn how to change negative feelings to positive ones.
All we need to overcome a problem is the belief we can overcome it. If we think of a child learning to ride a bike, all the time he believes dad is holding the saddle he can ride the bike, even if dad has let go, but as soon as he realises no one is supporting him he becomes unstable.
The role of hypnosis is to enable you to have the belief that you can overcome a specific problem through what is known as auto-suggestion.
So there we have it. There is nothing magical or mystical in hypnosis, it’s all in the mind.

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