Thursday, March 25, 2010

Greg Reyes - A Trustworthy Person

Thank you for taking the time to consider this letter on behalf of Mr. Greg Reyes. I have been a Law Enforcement Officer for the past twenty years and have held positions throughout my tenure at local, state and federal levels. I recently retired as a Commander with the California Department of Justice. I have conducted thousands of investigations at both State and Federal levels and have been awarded many prestige's awards by two of the Directors of FBI. I have been awarded the highest honor from the Hispanic Command Officers Association for my dedication to law enforcement and my out standing leadership ( The Gil Pompa Award from Washington D.C.) I inform you this because I do not take writing a letter as this lightly.

I know this task that lies ahead of you is one you will belabor over for many hours, days and months. I have known Mr. Greg Reyes for approximately l4yrs. Needless to say I am shocked at the verdict on the case Mr. Reyes stood trial for. I have personally known Mr. Reyes and his family for 14 years. I have been involved in numerous community events and sports with Mr. Reyes, his wife Penny and their two children. Mr. Reyes has always maintained an impeccable reputation. I personally invested a considerable amount of my hard earned money into Brocade; knowing Mr. Reyes only had the stock holder’s best interest at hand and knowing his strong sense of integrity I did not hesitate to invest.

I hope you will show compassion when sentencing this case, and sentence him appropriately according to the case. I have been the case agent on cases where the drug trafficker who is personally gaining and destroying our youth have faced fewer years.

Gregory Reyes

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