Sunday, August 16, 2009

Making Money Fast From Home: The Comfortable Truth

When people find out that I make my income online, you can be almost guaranteed that the immediate response will be “Is it really possible to make money online from home?” Well, of course it is! If it wasn’t, then I would be in serious financial trouble! However, the follow-up question to that exchange is often “Can you make money fast?”, which brings us into murky territory. This article will attempt to clear up the fact from the fiction.

There is good news and bad news. The good news is that yes, you can be making money fast from home. Every day I aim to set up at least one additional income stream to my portfolio, and it’s almost certain that I can check in the next day and see some more money in my account. The bad news is that you have to learn how to be making money fast from home.

Newbies are often slammed down by veteran marketers, often being told “No, it takes time to earn cash and no, you can’t earn it fast.” Well, there is a half truth in all that. If you’re a complete newcomer, then you have to know exactly how to set up a money-making system. It can take months of buying eBooks and reading forums and articles to get a big picture of the internet marketing arena. It’s when you have the big picture paradigm that you start to zero in on your notes and actually start compiling a money-making system.

My first profit stream didn’t come from one particular ebook or marketing course. It was actually an amalgamation of all the knowledge I had acquired that allowed me to pick out the best advice and form a rough, point-by-point system to set up a profit stream. It then took me many more weeks to fine-tune the formula by testing and tracking my results with refinements on web design, copywriting, traffic generating methods etc.

But it was all worth it. I can now be making money fast from home in as little as a couple of hours work each day. So from my perspective it is absolutely possible to make money fast online - hundreds if not thousands each week, based on my targets. If you are a newbie, you must process this principle I’m trying to get across to you. If you invest the effort to learn, then you too will become a skilled profit generator. Just don’t expect to find a “magic pill” ebook.

If you wish to be making money fast from home, then it will always come down to action. If you do read an article or you do read an ebook, then take action. You will not get a perfect system and you will not make huge amounts of cash, so don’t worry about having to be perfect. Just take action and get a website published online. Start driving traffic to it, and then constantly make amendments until your profit stream is ticking over as slickly as a Rolls-Royce.

Jack Silver is an internet marketer based in the U.K, and the author of "How I Quit My Job and Made Money in my Pyjamas", available for reading at

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